
When people ask me to define love, I say, "Love is like handing someone a gun, having them point it at your heart, and trusting them to never pull the trigger." (Sponge Bob)

When they ask me why I laugh at my mistakes and even write them with pride in my blogs, I say, "I'm not crazy. I just don't give a damn!" (Daffy Duck)

When one time I was conducting a group activity, a student asked what road sign I love the most, I said, "I like dead end signs. I think they're kind. They at least have the decency to let you know you're going nowhere…" (Bugs Bunny)

And when for the nth time a friend would ask me what do I get from writing, I'm not even sure if there are good old souls out there visiting my site, I just smile and say, "Kung gusto mong maging manunulat, eh di magsulat ka. Simple." (Bob Ong)

And last night when Eva said she wants to quit from her work because nobody believes in her, her boss got mad at her, she doesn't even have friends at her agency, and she's crying like hell, I said, "Either you stay to prove your worth or you quit and just show them you're a loser, you have to strive for your happiness." (MY original)

My CHOICES: I remained believing in love. I continued spicing up my mistakes and rewriting my life, accepting failure but keep on dreaming until words would fade into thin air.

Mar 13, 2008

Love Quiz by Leo Buscaglia

Asking yourself questions and answering them honestly is a good path to self-knowledge. In keeping with this idea, I'd like to propose a few end-of-the-day questions for each of us:

1. Is anyone a little happier because I came along today?

2. Did I leave any concrete evidence of my kindness, any sign of my love?

3. Did I try to think of someone I know in a more positive light?

4. Did I help someone to feel joy, to laugh, or at least, to smile?

5. Have I attempted to remove a little of the rust that is corroding my relationships?

6. Have I gone through the day without fretting over what I don't have and celebrating the things I do have?

7. Have I forgiven others for being less than perfect?

8. Have I forgiven myself?

9. Have I learned something new about life, living or love?

I got this short LOVE Quiz from Leo Buscaglia's page. Hope it'll make you a little more humane not just to yourself but to others.

If all your answers are YES to the questions, like I did (I'm keeping the positive energy pass through me, within me, in me and onto others), here's what it says about you:

I had a great day today because I:

1. made someone a little happier because I came along today

2. left concrete evidence of my kindness and love

3. tried to think of someone I know in a more positive light

4. helped someone to feel joy, to laugh, or at least, to smile

5. attempted to remove a little of the rust that is corroding my relationships

6. went through the day without fretting over what I don't have and celebrating the things I do have

7. forgave others for being less than perfect

8. forgave myself

9. learned something new about life, living or love

So "Congratulations" on having a terrific day!

Indeed "Life is made of our attitudes." according to Paulo Coelho (The Fifth Mountain).

And "What we are is not of what we feed our mouths but what comes out from them." according to Jesus (I just can't remember what Gospel and chapter or verse we can find this line).

The lines I mentioned from the three gentlemen in my life (aside from my husband) is of equal value. And they drive at one important thing:

The life that we live is our choice. No writer, no matter how bulky his books are, could help us achieve that self-actualization Maslow designed in his heirarchy of needs, unless we ourselves determine the path we take.


Paulie said...

I have written about time as my blessing in the past. . . I am here early since it is barely Saturday. I just followed your link from my post yesterday. I will get my blessing up later today for tomorrow so drop by again!

SandyCarlson said...

This is a wonderful post. You certainly do make the most of your time! It's good to stop and think about what we believe we don't have and realize how much there really is.

God bless, and happy blog your blessings Sunday.