She lay there on the grassy fields counting the stars and they said, "Let's dance in all majesty that we may entertain her." Then she marvels at the beauty of their rhythm.
Then the grass felt her presence, they said, "Let us emit our most fragrant dew that she may feel the velvety moist soothing her senses." And she felt the sudden rush of calm from within her.
The wind inhaled her scent and they said, "Let us whistle God's hymns upon her ears that she may feel His presence through us." So they did, and she was more than glad.
The skies rejoiced at her sight. Thus the moon highlighted more the dancing stars with their rays of crimson blackness. The Woman was more enchanted.
Her thoughts moved about. Dreams flash like striking lightning. She shivered. Feared the unknown. Her desires swept over the horizon like ephemeral bursts of vivid hues. She knows some of her dreams are like the grass, she can hold them with her bare hands. But she too knows that some of them are like the stars, wonderful to behold but unreachable.
Then just as when she wants to give up on her passion, a wishing star came across the sky and landed at the tip of her toes. She held it with her bare palms and said, "My dreams are impossible no more."
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Always good to remember we are one with the cosmos!
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